Why Mitzvahs.org recommends supporting AMIT
"An Israeli Educational and Social Services Agency"
- The average of AMIT students passing Bagrut (the national high school examination) is approximately 64 percent, compared with a national average of 43 percent. Every AMIT school ranked above the national average, with a range of 40 per cent to 99 percent of our students in different schools passing the test.
- The Ministry of Education awarded the Prize for Education to AMIT Acco.
- AMIT Yavneh won a special prize for excellence in improvement in the Bagrut examination scores, for increasing the number of students passing Bagrut by nearly 20 percent.
- AMIT Rananim received the State of Israel Prize for Education.
- AMIT Tel Aviv received the Ministry of Education Religious Education Prize.
- AMIT Ramle-Lod received a prize from both the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Environment.
- AMIT Ulpana Beersheva and AMIT Gush Dan received prizes for excellence in education from the Teachers Union.
- The first, second and third place prize winners in Israel's national essay contest, "Religious Zionism within the Theme of 100 Years of Zionism," were all AMIT students.
- AMIT graduates have served in the Knesset and as officers in the IDF. The first Ethiopian woman officer in Israel's armed forces was an AMIT graduate.
Some 2006 Highlights
- AMIT Karmiel Junior and Senior High School won the Religious Education Award, presented by the Ministry of Education, for the 2005/2006 academic year.
- Dr. Victor Melamud, a teacher of physics at the AMIT Harry and Bina Appleman Junior and Senior Comprehensive High School in Beersheva, won the National Excellence in Teaching Award. The prize, awarded jointly by the Ministry of Education and the Office of the President of Israel, was presented to Dr. Melamud by President Moshe Katzav in ceremonies in March, 2005. Dr. Melamud was cited for his work with advanced physics students at the school.
- For the second year in a row, a study conducted by the Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv and the Ministry of Education ranked an AMIT high school among the top ten high schools in Israel. The AMIT Ulpana High School for Girls in Beersheva was ranked number four in what has become an annual survey of high school education in Israel. Some 1500 high schools were evaluated.
- In November 2004, AMIT Karmiel was awarded the Korczak Prize from the Janusz Korczak Association. The Korczak Prize is awarded to a school at which the student council excels in activities in the spirit of the great educator, furthering the empowerment and education of students in order to make them productive and active citizens of Israeli society.
- In the summer of 2004, Oleg Ariotkin, an 11th grade student at the AMIT Harry and Bina Appleman Comprehensive High School in Beersheva, won a gold medal in the Russian Language Olympics held in Moscow. Oleg was one of five students who represented Israel in this international competition.
- In April, a study conducted by the Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv and the Ministry of Education ranked two AMIT high schools among the top ten high schools in Israel. The AMIT Harry and Bina Appleman Comprehensive High School in Beersheva was ranked number 5 and the AMIT Gould High School in Rehovot number 9. The two AMIT high schools were also the only religious high schools to make the list.
- In March, Ilya Gurevich, a senior at the AMIT Harry and Bina Appleman Comprehensive High School in Beersheva, won first prize in the Intel Israel-Bloomfield Science Museum Young Scientists Competition. Ilya will go on to represent Israel at the Intel International Young Scientists Competition, scheduled for May 9-15, 2004, in Portland, Oregon.
Second prize in the contest also was captured by AMIT. Tehila Lavie and Reut Suliman, students at the AMIT Renanim Science and Technology High School for Girls in Ra’anana, were awarded second prize in the competition; Gil Wilder, also a student at Renanim, was a finalist.
Some 2003 Highlights
- Moran Gomri, an 11th-grade student at the AMIT Ulpana in Beersheva, won top prize in the 2003 International Bible Quiz.
- Gil Pereg, principal of AMIT Gush Dan, was named a Wexner Israel Fellow at Harvard University for the 2003-04 academic year, the first Israeli academic to receive this prestigious honor.
- Four teachers at the Anna Teich AMIT High School for Girls in Haifa were honored by the Ministry of Education for excellence in teaching. AMIT Anna Teich maintains a 99.4 percent success rate in the Bagrut.
- The AMIT High School in Sderot, a city of 35,000 located in the northwest Negev, was awarded the 2003 Religious Education Prize by Israel’s Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. The AMIT High School was cited for its accomplishments in establishing and promoting religious education for a heterogeneous student population.
- Hadas Malada, an 18-year-old graduate of AMIT Ulpana Beersheva, became Israel’s first Ethiopian immigrant to receive an academic deferment from the Israel Defense Forces to attend medical school prior to army service. With financial support from the IDF, Ms. Malada will attend The Hebrew University in Jerusalem and then serve for an extended period in the army upon graduation.
- The religious school system of Maaleh Adumim, a suburb of 30,000 people located just outside of Jerusalem, was added to the AMIT network. Maaleh Adumim is the largest Jewish community on the West Bank and was declared an Israeli city in 1992.
AMIT can point to so many other examples of successes. Each represents a victory over tremendous challenges. We are ever-mindful of the teachings of the sages: change one life and you have changed the world. We have changed many.